VIDEO I Valgevenes toimus taasiseseisvumispäeval taas rahumeelne meeleavaldus
Eile oli Valgevene taasiseseisvumispäev. Riik kuulutas sel päeval 1991. aastal välja iseseisvuse Nõukogude Liidust. Nagu iga päev, on Minsk täis politseinikke ja sõdureid. Mobiilne internet on kinni kiilunud. Väidetavalt on Punases kirikus elekter ära. Õiguskaitseorganid on konfiskeerinud ka meeleavaldajate helitehnika.
Today is the Day of Restoration of Independence of Belarus. On this day in 1991, the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union. As every day, Minsk is full of police and soldiers. Mobile internet is jammed. Reportedly, power is out at the Red Church, which supports the protesters. Law enforcement has also confiscated the demonstrators’ sound equipment.Despite the rain, 1000-2000 people gathered at the rally. They are chanting: "It's our Square!", "Release prisoners", "Freedom". Among them are members of Parliament who voted for Independence in 1991. Portraits of those who were killed during the recent crackdown are displayed near the church.The authorities have turned on loud music in an attempt to drown out the protesters. This protest was endorsed by the undeclared winner of the Belarus election Tsikhanouskaya in a video appeal. Today, Tsikhanouskaya also spoke at an extraordinary meeting of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign AffairsLukashenko was a member of Parliament in 1991 when Independence was declared. And, according to the public protocols, he did not vote at that session.Info: Infocenter Free Belarus 2020 About protests in English; Pray for Belarus. For more information on the situation in Belarus, follow them and Belarus Digest, Belsat in English, BelarusFeed #StandWithBelarus
Posted by Euromaidan Press on Teisipäev, 25. august 2020
Vaatamata vihmale kogunes 1000-2000 inimest, kes protesteerisid võimsalt, ent rahumeelselt: “See on meie väljak! Vabastage vangid! Vabadus!”
Nende hulgas olid ka parlamendisaadikud, kes hääletasid iseseisvuse poolt 1991. aastal.
Võimud on pannud mängima valju muusika, et meeleavaldajaid summutada. Seda protesti toetas Valgevene valimiste deklareerimata võitja Tsikhanouskaya videoüleskutses. Tsikhanouskaya pidas kõnet eile ka Euroopa Parlamendi väliskomisjoni erakorralisel kohtumisel.
Lukašenka oli parlamendiliige 1991. aastal, kui kuulutati välja iseseisvus. Ja avalike protokollide järgi ta sellel istungil ei hääletanud.